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Our Services

Aha Moments – Get The Breakthrough You Need

LGJR Comprehensive Health Coaching

At LGJR - Aha Moments Health Coaching, we believe in providing a highly personalized and flexible approach to health coaching. We use state-of-the-art Telehealth technology to give you privacy and convenience. Whether you're at home, in the office, or on the go, our packages and programs are designed to deliver the support and guidance you need to take your health to the next level.

Aha Health Coaching Packages

The ‘Aha’ Discovery Call

Begin your journey with a comprehensive overview of our health coaching process. This 20-minute introductory call allows you and your coach to explore your reasons for seeking health coaching, assess your readiness for change, and evaluate the potential for a successful partnership.

1-Hour 15-Minute Initial Aha Health Consultation

Next, dive deep into your health and well-being goals during this extensive initial consultation, included with every Aha Health Coaching Package. We’ll discuss the Coaching Agreement, the logistics, and the procedures that underpin our work together. This time is also devoted to understanding your current health state and shaping a way forward in achieving your health goals.

Choose Your Package

But be sure to book your ‘Aha’ Discovery Call first!
We’ve honed our coaching approach to provide you with continuous support, guidance, and accountability. We’re here to assist you at every stage of your journey toward achieving optimal health and well-being.

1 Month ‘Aha’ Health Coaching (3 Sessions)

This option offers a brief yet effective introduction to what health coaching can do for you. It's an ideal choice for newcomers or those seeking short-term support. It is designed to help you start your journey towards self-discovery and initial health improvements.

3 Month ‘Aha’ Health Coaching (6 Sessions)

Over three months, we will build momentum while strategically focusing on enhancing key health markers like weight, blood pressure, or cholesterol levels, all within the context of your overall lifestyle.

6 Month ‘Aha’ Health Coaching (12 Sessions)

For those committed to significant changes and long-term health transformations, this option provides more focus on reinforcing the Growth Mindset needed to sustain your health and well-being goals long after the final coaching session.


Why settle for simply achieving your goals when you can go far beyond them? After you finish our 1, 3, or 6 month package, ask about our ‘Aha’ Health Coaching Membership.

Self-Paced Health Coaching Program (COMING SOON)

Take control of your health journey with our upcoming self-paced programs. Designed to fit into your lifestyle, these programs will provide the tools and resources needed to autonomously make sustainable changes to your health and well-being.

Discover How LGJR Health Coaching Can Launch Your Success

Start your journey towards a healthier, more empowered you!

Get Ready to Achieve


Clarity of Goals

A health coach can help you clarify health and well-being goals, breaking them down into manageable steps and creating a roadmap for success.


Improved Health Habits

Through personalized guidance and support, you’ll develop healthier habits related to nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, and more.


Increased Accountability

Regular check-ins with a health coach provide accountability, motivation, and encouragement, helping you stay on track with your goals.


Enhanced Self-Awareness

Working with a health coach fosters self-awareness and mindfulness, empowering you to recognize patterns, triggers, and obstacles.


Lasting Behavioral Change

Health coaches employ evidence-based techniques and strategies to facilitate sustainable behavior change, so that you can make lasting improvements in your lifestyle choices.



For clients with chronic health conditions, a health coach can provide you with valuable support and guidance in managing symptoms, adhering to treatment plans, and making lifestyle changes to improve health outcomes.


Empowerment and Confidence

By taking an active role in your health journey and seeing tangible progress over time, you’ll gain a sense of empowerment, confidence, and self-efficacy.

Contact us to discuss your options and schedule your first session.

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